Friday, October 30, 2015

Data Transfer Methods of CNC (part 2 of 2)


This method is actually a set of standards for serial binary signals that connects between computers, terminals, and modems. This is a fast and efficient way to transfer data.

This cable connects a CNC machine to a computer that has floppy disk support thus eliminating the need for punched tape. This allows the operator to input data remotely and even while accomplishing other tasks. However, it need to be used in conjunction with an effective data storage device so as to have backups in case of emergencies.


Networks are a set of computers that are linked together to make data sharing easier. In an industrial scenario, networks allow a number of different users to individually create a program for the machine to run on.

This method allows multiple users to access and transfer data remotely. This allows for a faster and more efficient check-and-balance system for the programmer and the data verifier. Furthermore, different parts of the program can be completed by different programmers and then compiled by one user. This makes program creation a fast and easy process.

Manual Data Input (MDI)

MDI allows users to input commands directly into the CNC machine’s memory. This may seem to be an effective way of telling the machine what to do but it actually has a lot of drawbacks to it.

Despite it being the fastest way of telling the machine what to do, it is also a very risky and tedious operation as it requires the use of the machine’s terminal. Furthermore, the construction of a program is not as fast as opposed to the network method. It only allows one user to access the machine thus making it a long and drawn-out process.

Another disadvantage that comes with MDI is that it limits the operator to only one task at a time. However, MDI allows the most control over the machine compared to other methods.

Data Transfer Methods of CNC (part 1 of 2)

A CNC machine cannot function without a program. And a program cannot make its way to the machine without an effective data transfer system. So, what are the methods of data transfer and how effective are they in conveying data from one point to the next?

Punched tape

The first data transfer method is the punched tape. It consists of a long strip of paper with holes punched in it to store data. The holes represent a set of data that tells the machine how to move and what to do.

This method has proven to be very versatile and very useful. It has proven to withstand the test of time as numerous magnetic storage devices have deteriorated over time even to the extent of being unreadable while punched tape has been shown to be fine decades and perhaps even centuries later. Repair is also not a problem as specially designed splices can put two end together virtually unchanged. Furthermore, punched tape can be visually decoded should the need arise. This means that human accessibility is also not a problem.

Floppy Disk

While punched tape is quite a long roll of paper, a floppy disk is a small magnetic storage device that is more space efficient than punched tape. It can also be used to store simple programs.

Floppy disks virtually revolutionized the way data could be stored and transferred from one point to another. It allowed users to store and transfer data faster than punched tape allowed. Furthermore, the data within a floppy could be easily edited at any point as long as you have the proper program to read it. However, this method has proven to be quite problematic in the long run as floppies have a tendency to degrade alarmingly fast. A floppy could be unreadable after only 3 years.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Road Sign Ahead: Signs of Economic Recession (part 2 of 2)

There is also a relative increase of unemployed people.  During an event of a recession, companies tend to release workers due to low production demand.  Low production demand means lesser income for the company owners.  Companies and firms are then obliged to release employees to reach the target income.  For the last seven years, unemployment has been rising steadfast in the United States.  Overall employment, which is still high is historical terms, is declining since the start of 2008.

So how can ordinary people foresee recession?

AOL listed some interesting real life indicators that we are experiencing economic recession.  People are stealing not only the whole car but different car parts from vehicles in parking lots.  An example is a catalytic converter, which helps the car’s emissions.  Meanwhile, inside retail stores, lesser people are shopping for merchandises.  They are now opting for wholesale store membership.

Personal and family affairs, like weddings, are also being regulated in terms of guests and food. While corporations are cutting back on country club memberships and out of town travels.

Car companies are having difficulties getting buyers even with lots of incentives.  Suddenly, the most popular restaurants in town does not have any waiting list at all.  Small and local business are closing because they can’t keep up with the expenditure.

There can be countless ways of figuring out if a nation is suffering from a setback like an economic recession.  But if these signs can be immediately detected and can give us a hint on our economic and financial future, then we should be better learn how to read the signs. Or we might not have the future.

Road Sign Ahead: Signs of Economic Recession (part 1 of 2)

An economic recession is defined by a negative growth in gross domestic product for two consecutive quarters.  In other words, the gross domestic products are decreasing in production.  Recession is a national or world even regional event.  

Economic recession lasts from six months until a year or two, which could be the worst time frame for a recession.  Based on the experience of the United States with its last three recessions, the labor- market recession would last between three to four years.  (Schmitt and  Baker, 2008) with the actual recession only happening for more than a year and a half.  The effects of a recession could be felt longer than the actual span of the recession itself.

There are several telltale signs that a nation or region is experiencing economic recession.  MarketWatch lists seven things to watch out for to be full-warned for an economic recession event.

Accoding to MarketWatch, it is important to look at the increase of interest rates in the credit market.  Lenders are tightening lending policies because of market troubles. Companies not making any profits is another sign of a recession.
Skyrocketing oil prices are also indicators of a recession.  Oil prices have big effect on the economy, especially if the economy is experiencing little growth.  Oil is not the only one increasing their prices.  Prices of essential commodities are
also increasing.  But the stocks and property prices are going down but nobody is purchasing them.

Housing problems and foreclosures are also clear indicators.  Foreclosures happen when people and consumers are unable to pay mortgage and finance homes.  Borrowers are failing to pay back loans for homes, vehicles, businesses and credit cards.  Even banks and credit unions are missing out payments for their financial obligations due to borrowers unable to repay their loans.

There is also a relative increase of people truing to pay their bills with credit cards.  Credit card purchase is increasing. This means that people are having problems paying cash.  Using credit card to  pay for loans despite excessive interest rate shows desperation.

Consumer spending or making sure that the money from the consumers return to the economy is also something to check.  Government intervention in economic crisis resulting to fruitless efforts can also be a warning.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

A Quick Guide To Finding The Home Exchange Property For You (part 2 of 2)

For some people, however, they feel awkward or uncomfortable cooking or cleaning during their vacation. Others do not like strangers staying in their homes. Bear in mind that arranging home swaps can be easy or difficult depending on the location of your property. If your home is located in the city, it is unlikely that you will trade your home on the outskirts of the country, unless there is a valid reason.

On the other hand, if your place is located in a popular destination such as Orlando or Manhattan, it provides you with a wide range of options. If you live in a remote area, it is still possible to swap your home. However, you will need to exert a little more effort.

Home trade is suitable for slow travelers who will travel for a short period of time. It is ideal if your length of stay is from one day to four weeks. Ideally, this is for those who are going on a trip for one day of for the weekend. The host partner will do the introductions to friends and the community. This can give you an assurance of security and likewise makes you comfortable in unfamiliar territory, and can help you immediately immerse yourself in the culture of the community where you are staying.

However, just like vacation rentals, swapping homes is a do-it-yourself endeavor unless there are maids at hand. One disadvantage of home trade is that your options can be limited and you have to be open minded in the choice of date, location, or property. Home exchange is more affordable than staying in a hotel room.

A Quick Guide To Finding The Home Exchange Property For You (part 1 of 2)

If your job entails frequent traveling, home exchange is an affordable and comfortable way of finding a home for a few weeks. You negotiate with another family to stay in their house while they stay in your house. Such practice can give you boundless options. Here we will look at how you can find the right home exchange property.

There are various kinds of home swapping practices you can consider. In the traditional, the exchange partner goes on a trip and stays in their primary residence. For those who occupy several homes, non-simultaneous exchanges frees them from worrying about arranging dates and traveling simultaneously.  Here exchange partners occupy a vacation home while the other family continues to reside in their own home. In hospitality exchange, the exchange partners alternate as guests in their respective homes.

If your target is a specific destination, you can succeed in finding the right property if you would work with an agency based on the area you are considering. You are more likely to find an available house than looking for one in a global network. For example, Home Base Holidays if you plan to trade houses in the U.K. or Aussie House Swap if you are going to Australia or New Zealand.

However, home swapping is not suitable for everyone. Some people like to swap and does it several times in a year because it offers them the opportunity to travel to new places without spending for hotels, restaurants, or transportation costs. Likewise, this can also give you an opportunity to integrate the culture of the local community, since the practice involves providing information about the area and introduction of newcomers to neighbors or friends.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

How Fish Oil Can Cure Inflammation (part 2 of 2)

Essential fatty acids are necessary for various aspects of normal physiology like: mediating immune response, regulating bodily secretions and their viscosity, dilating and constricting blood vessels, regulating collateral circulation, directing endocrine hormones to their target cells, regulating smooth muscles and autonomic reflexes, being primary constituents of cell membranes, regulating the rate of cell division, maintaining the fluidity and rigidity of cellular membranes, regulating the flow of substances into and out from cells, transporting oxygen from red blood cells to the tissues, maintaining proper kidney function and fluid balance, keeping saturated fats mobile in the bloodstream, preventing blood clots, mediating the release of inflammatory eicosanoids that may trigger allergic conditions, and regulating nerve transmission and communication. (Source: Fish Oil: The Natural Anti-inflammatory by Joseph C. Maroon and Jeffrey Bost, 2006, page 39).

For this reason, it is very important for over-all health to have a regular intake of foods rich in omega-6 or omega-3 EFAs. The omega-3 pathway, activated by trauma, injury, or chemical stimulus, is the process of converting the omega-3 EFAs found in the cell membranes to various eicosanoids. If the omega-3 EFA components of the cell membranes become dominant, an anti-inflammatory state can result, with preventive health benefits.

Fish oil is the best source of the omega-3 essential fatty acids. But why fish oil, you might ask? The needed nutrients can also be found in green plants; algae (phytoplankton); leaves and seeds of the perilla plants; and linseed oil but fish oil is considered the most important dietary source of omega-3 EFAs because it contains concentrated amounts of the ALA derivatives with APA and DHA.

The two mentioned nutrients can almost exclusively found in seafood. Fish contains high amount of EPA and DHA because they are at the top of food chain based on algae, a single-marine organism that manufactures huge amount of EPA and DHA.

How Fish Oil Can Cure Inflammation (part 1 of 2)

Inflammation occurs as our body's natural protective response to fend off any outside aggressors and to begin the process of healing. Its effect on our tissues usually involves pain, heat and redness. However, there are some cases that this outward effect is not visible.

Inflammation is a double-edges sword; its effect can be helpful or harmful depending on the circumstances. When an inflammation is in chronic state, devastating consequences are likely to happen like arthritis, heart disease or stroke. It usually happens when the cause of inflammation is continually reintroduced or if the acute inflammatory response is not able to eliminate it. This situation is very likely to happen nowadays because of our exposure to implausible amounts of toxins.

Some of these toxins can be avoided like poor food choices, smoking, and prolonged sun exposure. While some things arise from things from things we don’t have control like genetics, accidents and pollution. Inasmuch as there are factors you can’t help being exposed to unnecessary and harmful factors detrimental to your good health, you can also take food supplements effective in strengthening your body against the sometimes lethal effect of inflammation. The most effective food supplement according to recent studies happens to be fish oil.

The prevalence of destructive or chronic inflammation among Western countries makes it imperative for many specialists to deal with preventive measures. The reason behind this is that the Western population is more exposed to stress, obesity and poor health in general. Many pharmacological anti-inflammatory drugs offer reduction of inflammation, however, long-term medication have potentially lethal side effects.

So what is your safest option if you have inflammation? Research on alternative medicines revealed that certain dietary supplements can help reduce levels of pro-inflammatory factors, with significantly lower side effects. One of these dietary supplements is the essential fatty acids or EFAs.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Bird Watching Tips (part 2 of 2)

Observing how the bird walks and how it moves can also determine the specie of the bird.  If possible, try to determine what the bird eats or how it eats.  Also note the habitat, region and climate where you have observed the bird.  You can do this even after the bird has left.  Each region has their own type of bird, depending on their weather condition.  Note of the region where you have observed the bird. Also, birds migrate so make sure that you have taken into consideration the time of the year.

Make sure to jot down your observation for later reference.  Write down anything that you have noticed, it can help when you later sit down with a field guide to confirm the bird’s species.

Equipment wise, a pair of good binoculars helps to locate and identify the distant birds.  Bird watchers can watch colored clothing to blend with the surroundings.  Long sleeved cotton shirts, long pants and leech socks help protect you from insects and leeches.  Field boots will keep your feet dry and provide traction on slippery terrain.

When bird watching in parks, there are some that provide shelters, both elevated and  ground level.  These assist bird watchers and photographers alike.   When photographing birds, use long- range lenses and flash equipment.

When bird watching with friends or with family and suddenly you have spotted a rare bird specie, don’t give vague directions.  Be as specific as you can, first use large points of reference, then get more detailed.  Once the person is looking at the right object, use the clock system to pinpoint the direction.  To give the proper directions, you can practice when you’re birding alone.  

Bird watching is a recreational activity that is best experienced when you know how to make the best out of it.

Bird Watching Tips (part 1 of 2)

Bird watching is one of the fastest growing outdoor recreational activity.  If you are one of those who are interested in this activity, there are some tips that would make this experience a notch higher.

For birdwatching newbies, identifying a bird can be challenging.  Birds are active and fast moving animals and you need to spot as many details as possible in a short period of time.  There are some tips that experienced bird watchers do to maximize the short and precious time for viewing.

Once a bird is immediately spotted, maximize every moment of seeing and observing the bird.  Take note of its markings, movements, song, feeding habits and size, you can also start sketching things that catch your eye.  Get the most out of the time that you that specie in front of you.

Birdwatching is more of a auditory activity.  Birds are best identified by their vocalization compared to how they look like.  Listening to a bird’s vocalization is simple but it’s also easy to forget.  When identifying a certain song to a bird, notice the movement of the bill.  This would make sure that the song is indeed coming from that specific bird.

Knowing or estimating the approximate size and shape will give many clues about the bird’s family.  Begin with the bird’s appearance, overall.  Also notice the body shape and the silhouettes. Also notice details in the head and the bill characteristics.    After the head and the bill, notice the bird’s body, wings and tail.  After observing the body, study the bird’s legs

A Look Back at how Vanessa Hudgens Started in her Acting Career (part 2 of 2)

For the two equally successful “High School Musical” TV movie, Hudgens played the role of Gabriella Montez. She played the love interest of real-life boyfriend, Zac Efron. Their roles had given them the “Best Chemistry” award given by Teen Choice Awards. The first movie also had a hit soundtrack and it brought the group on a concert tour worldwide. A book series was also made out of it.

With all the success she has garnered, Hudgens became the number seven on Forbes magazine’s top earning list of stars who are under 21. She was 18 years old at the time. She has an estimated $2 million of earnings. “High School Musical 3: Senior Year” is set to be released on October 24, 2008.

This talented gal was ranked 62nd of the Most Sexiest Woman on FHM just this year. She was also at number 12 at Maxim’s 100 Hot List. And she was also part of People magazine’s 100 Most Beautiful People.

Life on the Spotlight He career was marked with controversy when provocative pictures of Hudgens proliferated the Internet on September 6, 2007. The photos were passed on through emails, mobile phones and other devices. There were rumors then that she would be pulled out from the High School Musical franchise because she was no longer fit to be called a model for the youth.

But everything was settled. And Hudgens apologized to the fans and her family. After that, all is well again for this young superstar. Just looking back on how did Vanessa Hudgens get started in her acting career will inspire young minds about this craft if they are planning on joining the bandwagon.


A Look Back at how Vanessa Hudgens Started in her Acting Career (part 1 of 2)

How did Vanessa Hudgens get started in her acting career? This girl was born Vanessa Anne Hudgens on December 14, 1988 in Salinas, California. Her looks can be attributed to her parents’ descents. Her dad, Greg Hudgens is an American with the Native American and Irish background. Her mother, Gina, is a Filipino who grew up in Manila with traces of Filipino, Chinese and Spanish blood.

 Career Path Vanessa was inclined on the performing arts since she was a child. After she finished seventh-grade at the Orange County High School of the Arts, Vanessa opted for a home school setup.

When she was eight years old, she began joining musical plays. She was included on the main and supporting casts of plays such as "The Wizard of Oz," "The Music Man," "Damn Yankees," "Evita," "Carousel," The King and I," and "The Music Man.” Everything happened by chance for little Vanessa. Her first gig was a commercial. But it was purely accidental why she landed the part. She went on the audition just because her friend, who was supposed to go there, got sick and asked her to come instead.

In 2003, she debuted in the feature film "Thirteen." This stars Evan Rachel Wood and Holly Hunter. Vanessa also starred in "Thunderbirds," an action-adventure film. But Hudgens hit it big after playing the part of Gabriella in High School Musical, a TV movie made by the Disney Channel that was first released in 2006. That same year, she was able to release her debut album entitled “V.” In July of 2008, her second album entitled “Identified” was released.

After she started on movies, she also played bit roles for television. She guest starred for TV shows such as “The Bothers Garcia,” “Still Standing,” “Quintuplets,” “Drake and Josh” and “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody.
