Make sure to jot down your observation for later reference. Write down anything that you have noticed, it can help when you later sit down with a field guide to confirm the bird’s species.
Equipment wise, a pair of good binoculars helps to locate and identify the distant birds. Bird watchers can watch colored clothing to blend with the surroundings. Long sleeved cotton shirts, long pants and leech socks help protect you from insects and leeches. Field boots will keep your feet dry and provide traction on slippery terrain.
When bird watching in parks, there are some that provide shelters, both elevated and ground level. These assist bird watchers and photographers alike. When photographing birds, use long- range lenses and flash equipment.
When bird watching with friends or with family and suddenly you have spotted a rare bird specie, don’t give vague directions. Be as specific as you can, first use large points of reference, then get more detailed. Once the person is looking at the right object, use the clock system to pinpoint the direction. To give the proper directions, you can practice when you’re birding alone.
Bird watching is a recreational activity that is best experienced when you know how to make the best out of it.
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