Friday, November 6, 2015

Simple Ideas when Making Your Child’s Pageant Dress (part 1 of 2)

Everyone will agree that costumes make children’s pageant memorable and fun to watch. Audience are always having a great time looking at and appreciating clothes and accessories worn by children in such events.

Pageant dresses simply make such activities look more realistic and interesting. If you are a practical and creative parent, you should consider making your child’s pageant dress instead of buying less creative and costly ready-made items at department stores and children’s shops.

The next time your child joins a holiday, Christmas, or special pageant at school or at the community, you should aim to make his costume instead. Doing so will not only be practical and cost-saving, you can also do your child a favor because the pageant dress you will be making will surely fit comfortable in him. You can also make good use of your creativity and dress-making skills. Take such occasions as opportunities to shine and show other parents how enjoyable and great creative parenting can be.

Of course there are numerous pageant costumes and dresses available ready made across the market. However, making the pageant dress on your own will surely score you more points. First, you can show your child and other parents how resourcefulness is effective. Second, you can make your child feel as if the effort is a team activity between you and him. Third, you can save so much money by not buying the expensive pageant costumes available in stores. Fourth, you can finally make use of unused clutters, spare dresses, and other materials in your home.

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